Blog Martial Arts

Training during the Holidays

All I want for Christmas is to train Jiu-jitsu

Christmas is often hailed as “The most wonderful time of the year”, and for good reason. There’s nothing quite so enjoyable as getting together with family, eating your hearts fill and exchanging gifts with loved ones. So who would want to train Jiu-jitsu at this time? As it turns out, quite a-lot of people. Every year Team Tooke holds class on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and sometimes even Christmas Day. Most people get together with extended family in the afternoons so a day class works fine for most. Also, since almost everyone is off of work, it’s actually quite a good time to come train and doesn’t interfere with most people’s plans.

Shouldn’t I take Christmas off from Jiu-jitsu?

While it seems nice to have the whole day off with no obligations whatsoever, this idea can be a little overrated. For many of you, the responsibility of cooking, cleaning, last minute gift wrapping and organizing the day keep your obligations pretty high. At the end you will get to stuff your face with some delicious food, but that will likely leave you feeling lethargic and sleepy. BUT…if you get in a good sweat, release some healthy endorphins and bond with your fellow peers as they try to choke you, you will be better prepared for any unexpected stress later in the day. And, you will enjoy the food that much more because of the great appetite you will build up. 

Whether you train martial arts during the holidays or not, I highly encourage you to exercise during that time so you don’t lose any momentum in your Jiu-jitsu journey. Enjoy the holiday my friend, and be sure to break a sweat in between double helpings of cookies and egg nog 😋