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Is No Gi The New Gi of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

No Gi Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

I can remember just a couple of decades ago (a short time in a sports history) that No Gi Jiu-jitsu   was a fringe part of the very popular traditional form of Jiu-jitsu where you always wore the gi. Sure, there were the MMA guys who trained no gi in preparation for their MMA matches, but not a-lot of people did No-gi Jiu-jitsu. Fast foreward to today with the rise in popularity of ADCC and super stars of the sport like Gordan Ryan, Andre Galvao, Marcelo Garcia, Xande Ribeiro…etc. and the sport now stands alone respectively. 

Will No Gi replace Gi Jiu-jitsu?

While many grappling students might wonder if No Gi Jiu-jitsu will take over and leave traditional Jiu-jitsu to die a slow death, I highly doubt that gi Jiu-jitsu is in any real danger. The truth is that both versions of the sport we love have grown tremendously in popularity over the past several years. Nowadays, nearly everyone knows what Jiu-jitsu is and the crossover into the exciting world of MMA and the rising popularity of the UFC has made Jiu-jitsu a household name. No longer does everyone equate it to Karate or Tae Kwon Do. The public has become educated on what Jiu-jitsu is and more people are training than ever before. Studets of all ages (kids and adults) and backgrounds are training in Jiu-jitsu and have come to realize that it is one of the best ways to get in shape and have a ton of fun learning a new and realistic form of self defense. 

If you would like to learn more about getting you and/or your family started in Martial Arts, Jiu-jitsu or Muay Thai give us a call at 281-955-7300 and we will be happy to schedule a free introductory lesson and a 2 week free trial.

Team Tooke Mixed Martial Arts Academy

10111 Grant Rd Suite R

Houston, TX 77070