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Jiu-jitsu Classes for 3-6 year old kids

Team Tooke Little Champions Jiu-jitsu program

Jiu-jitsu is incredibly beneficial for students of all ages. However, there is one age group that is particularly challenging. Children 3-6 years old are at an interesting age. Self expression in the form of speaking and physical action seem to evolve daily. And while these young minds are exploring and learning about the world around them, most of them are not quite self aware just yet. That is why Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is such a valuable activity for kids of this age group. Because they are so impressionable, the skills taught in a BJJ class are invaluable in their development. Important life skills like listening, focus, respect, patience are all traits that they will need as they emerge into young adulthood. And while they might not yet fully appreciate why these skills are important, they will develop good habits that will give them an advantage later on in life.

How is Brazilian Jiu-jitsu different from other activities for 3-6 year olds

It is true that many activities are greatly beneficial for young kids. Soccer, baseball, swimming…etc all offer kids the opportunity to stay fit and learn the value of great effort. The difference that you will find in a Jiu-jitsu class is the focus on leadership and character development. At Team Tooke Mixed Martial Arts Academy, every class teaches these skills on an ongoing basis. Here are a few examples:

The 4 Laws of Concentration:

  1. Focus your eyes,
  2. Focus your ears
  3. Focus your mind
  4. Focus your body

The 7 Magic Words of Respect

  1. Yes sir
  2. No sir
  3. Yes ma’am
  4. No ma’am
  5. Please
  6. Thank you
  7. You’re welcome

There is also a new life skill discussed and taught each month that includes topics such as Teamwork, Positive Mental Attitude, Self Discipline just to name a few. When these attitude skills are combined with the martial arts skills of Jiu-jitsu what emerges is a more focused, disciplined and grateful young adult.


Team Tooke Mixed Martial Arts

10111 Grant Rd Suite R

Houston, TX 77070



For more information on Travis Tooke please check out his author site by clicking here