Team Tooke - Martial Arts & Fitness for All Ages!
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Jiu-jitsu Training is more than just an art, it’s a way of life

Jiu-jitsu Training is a way of life

I have been involved in Jiu-jitsu, training 8-10 times per week for about 22 years. The reasons that I first started are completely different than the reasons I train today. I still love the challenge of competition. And I love learning new techniques. But Jiu-jitsu training has given me a lifestyle that I never imagined I would have when I began. Today, practically all of my friends are involved in the martial arts in one way or another. My fellow instructors, students, friends…they are all a part of the Jiu-jitsu and martial arts community. That might seem strange to some but I can’t imagine it any other way. I love the people in this community and we all share a similar passion for what we love. In addition to that, my fellow martial artists and I have all developed into the people we are today because of this lifestyle. Healthy eating, daily exercise continued training, respect for everyone…these are just a few of the traits that you will notice when you meet a group of long time Jiu-jitsu training students and instructors.

Jiu-jitsu Training: Never stop learning

Even though I have been a student of the game for over 2 decades, I still feel like I have a tone to learn. That’s the beauty of Jiu-jitsu. The learning process never ends. This keeps the mind and body young. Daily training keeps us strong and agile. And the ongoing pursuit of improvement keeps the imagination active and keeps the brain sharp. I’m excited to see what the next 22 years has to teach me and I can’t wait to share it with my students and teammates! See you on the mats…

Team Tooke Mixed Martial Arts Academy

10111 Grant Rd. Suite R Houston, TX 77070
