Blog Martial Arts

Concentration Skills in Children

Concentration Skillset

The skill of concentration has never been more important than it is in today’s world. And yet, it is becoming more and more rare. Smart phones, tablets, social media, Youtube…etc are stealing our children’s concentration. This lack of focus will make it ever more difficult to lead a happy and productive life, let alone move up the ladder of the business world. Fortunately there is a solution.

Martial Arts training for Concentration

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu classes require being present and focusing on the task at hand. There are no iPhones on the mat or Netflix in between drills. During the class, all students are present, aware and in the moment. This connection to the training teaches children how to properly concentrate without allowing outside distraction dictate their actions and behavior. Jiu-jitsu techniques are taught in a way that are fun and challenging. Students think they are learning something fun and exciting (which they are) and often are unaware that they are also improving their ability to focus and concentrate. The end result for both kids and adults is that their Jiu-jitsu skillset grows along with their focus, concentration and in the moment awareness. This training not only provides realistic self defense practice, but connects the student with the “here and now”.

If you would like to learn more about how Brazilian Jiu-jitsu classes can help you and your family improve concentration and focus, be sure to give us a call at 281-955-7300 and visit us at